Place this tagged value on a transition if you want to have an automatic warning message rendered into the target jsp page, this message will indicate that the action has finished succesfully but the user's attention should go to a specific topic. The value assigned to this tagged value will be used as the warning message in case it contains more than 5 characters, otherwise the value needs to be 'true' to be taken into account. Place this tagged value on a transition if you want to have an automatic confirmation message rendered into the target jsp page, this message will indicate that the action has finished succesfully. The value assigned to this tagged value will be used as the success message in case it contains more than 5 characters, otherwise the value needs to be 'true' to be taken into account. Denotes the scope given to the "form" attribute when executing an action. Denotes that the "form" attribute will not be set within any scope. Denotes that the "form" attribute will be set within a request scope. Denotes that the "form" attribute will be set within a session scope. Denotes the type of the form field to use for an action parameter. Use a combobox (also known as drop-down box) from which to select the value, only a single value can be selected unless the underlying type is a collection or array. Do not show the parameter on the screen. The field should be shown but it's content is to be masked using asterisks. This type can only be used when displaying the field in a table and you want to attach it to only of the possible page actions. Use a textarea with multiple rows. Use a simple text field. Use a checkbox, ideal for boolean values. Use this field type when you want to render several checkboxes that need to be initialized based on the property of a single array. Generates a few options from which the value can be selected, only a single option can be selected at a time. Display this property as a plain text string. Allows you to submit an entire table (only makes sense on an array or collection) type. Arrays are preferrable as they allow us to know the type of element which makes up the collection. Denotes the type of the generated struts action, as displayed on screen. The action will be rendered as an hyperlink. The action will be rendered as a form. The action will be rendered as a clickable image. Denotes the action will work on all rows of a table. When this is selected the resulting view will be rendered as a popup. Represents the types of views. A "regular" view. A "popup" view. Place this on a use case that represents a front-end registration process. Have this transition point to a <<FrontEndView>> action state or a final state, it will have any exception directed to that page or use-case respectively. Using tagged values you can have control on the type of exception for each of such transitions. The type of exception that is to be handled by this transition. Determines which properties of the value objects in a Collection are to be called in order to render the columns of the table. The order directly specifies the order of the columns. Multiple values are separated by commas or whitespace. A flag indicating whether or not a parameter should be considered a table. This must be set to true when you wish to display a list of simple types (such as strings) within a table. If you specify the table's columns in @andromda.presentation.view.table.columns, then this tagged value is not required to indicate that the parameter is table (as it will be assumed). Denotes whether or not columns are supposed to be sortable, defaults to true in case of absence. Denotes the maximum number of rows per 'page'. Defaults to 15. This tagged value specifies which types of export are supported. Denotes whether or not to render a displaytag table decorator, will be ignored if this parameter does not represent a table. Put this tagged value on a parameter of type Date to denote that you want a calendar popup. Allows you to specify the name for the field that this field must be equal to. Denotes whether this field should be reset to an empty value Denotes the number of rows of a textarea field. Denotes the number of columns of an input field. Use this tagged value if you wish to display input fields using a special widget. Allows users to specify custom validators for a field, when used the validation-rules.xml will need an update to include these validators. Makes the validity of this parameter dependent on another parameter. This is useful for example for confirming passwords. When using the @andromda.struts.view.field.type=multibox tagged value (which is only allowed in tables) you must specify also this tagged value to specify the collection or array holding the actual values to match against. This tagged value only makes sense when used in combination with @andromda.struts.field.type=radio, it denotes the number of options to render. Specify an integer value, or specify a comma-separated list of property values. Will make the parameter read-only. The parameter is not allowed to represent a blank (null or whitespace). A comma seperated list; used with the table input type. Defines the columns that make up the identifier of the row (these are necessary in order to allow the merging of the value with the backing value when submitting and loading an input table). Denotes the format of the parameter value, this value will be check on the client as well as on the server. You may enter more than one value for this tag. Allows one to reset the values on the corresponding action's (a transition coming out a of a front end view) form. Use this tagged value when you have an incoming transition with a Collection parameter that is to be represented as a table. The value of this tagged value will then be used to determine which table use when calling this action. The value should the name of an table page-variable entering the page on which this action has been modeled. Denotes how the action is to be rendered. Denotes that the user should be able to reset the action form. Defines whether or not the struts action should be redirected when forwarding to the next action. Denotes the scope in which the "form" attribute should be placed when executing the action. This stereotype means that the use-case will be consider the first one when entering the application. For those CASE tools with marginal UML support this tagged value allows the controller to reference the use-case. You should give the name of the use-case, nothing more and nothing less. A use-case to be processed by AndroMDA. This tagged value is used to reference activity graphs from a use-case. In doing so you will associate the graph with the usecase. Instead of using this tagged value you can simply assign a single graph in the namespace of the use-case. Denotes the key used to store this action's form under. Depending on the setting of the @andromda.presentation.web.action.form.scope tagged value this key is used for either request or session scope. Will only be used when the form is not empty, it is ignored otherwise. A presentation component interfacing with the end-user. A session object needs to be associated with controllers, that way the controller will have some code to lookup the session object and can therefore expose it in your manual code.